"Augustinus CHAPPUY.... Paris ... Anno 1778" - ショッピング・ショップ | 通販検索

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"Augustinus CHAPPUY.... Paris ... Anno 1778"

Augustinus CHAPPUY.... P...の商品画像

"Augustinus CHAPPUY.... Paris ... Anno 1778"


Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の紹介画像1
Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の詳細画像1Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の詳細画像2Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の詳細画像3Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の詳細画像4Augustinus CHAPPUY.... ...の詳細画像5


1. 千葉県流山市おおたかの森西1-32-4弦楽器専門店アントニオ内実店舗開設
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ヴァイオリン・イタリア楽器 弦楽器専門店 アントニオ|千葉・流山・松戸 (antonio-violin.com)
■つくばエクスプレス 流山おおたかの森駅西口より徒歩5分
■東武野田線 流山おおたかの森駅西口より徒歩5分
■〒270-0128千葉県流山市おおたかの森西1-32-4 Villa ANTONIO 弦楽器専門店アントニオ
■TEL 04-7150-3939
■古物商認可取扱店 No.441070001784
■アントニオ外観 クリーム色の三階建の建物がアントニオです! 最終掲載写真参照
An old vintage violin from a private collector in France. Please note that this violin is presented in a great condition as you can see on pictures, all original. Beautiful instrument, with a French label "Augustinus CHAPPUY.... Paris ... Anno 1778" and a repair label by Luthier "Denizoi" in Tours dated 1827 as pictured. The violin is also iron marked " CHAPPUY" on the back as highlighted. About authenticity I am not an expert ! so please ask me for more pictures if it can help for identification and provenance, however I have no reason to believe that this is not an authentic Augustin Chappuy violin! The length of the back is 35,7 cm.
This French violin by Nicolas Augustin Chappuy is a classic example of the work by the Mirecourt masters in the 18th century, pieces which are still held in high regard today. Born around 1730, Nicolas Augustin Chappuy made history as a particularly productive luthier. In the course of his tragically rather short life, he created multiple pieces which demonstrate his admirable talent. Nicolas Chappuy spent both his apprenticeship and the final years of his successful career in his home town of Mirecourt, and in between he lived in Paris for around two decades. This fine violine, which ranks amongst Nicolas Chappuy's later pieces, thus bears the stamp “ CHAPPUY,” located on the button. At our specialist workshop, we set up the violin, which is preserved with most minor repairs in perfect condition, with the meticulous care and effort that a historic violin of this quality deserves, and its excellent sound and good playing properties now shine through unimpaired. Now ready to play, it is compelling with its radiant, sweet voice of an unmistakably French 18th century character.
フランスの個人コレクターのアンティーク・バイオリンです。このヴァイオリンは、写真でご覧いただけるように、素晴らしいコンディションで提供され、完全にオリジナルであることにご留意ください。素晴らしい楽器で、フランスのラベル "Augustinus CHAPPUY.... パリ.... Anno 1778 "と、トゥールのリュティエ "Denizoi "による1827年の修理ラベルが貼られています。また、このバイオリンの裏には、図のように「CHAPPUY」の刻印があります。私は真贋の専門家ではないので、識別や出所の参考になるのであれば、もっと写真が欲しいと言われるかもしれませんが、これが本物のオーギュスタン・シャピュイのバイオリンではないと信じる根拠はありません!背面の長さは35.7cmです。
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価格 : 1,320,000 円 (税込)